195 arrested, 15 looted and 24 police injured: what left the third commemoration of the social outbreak

In the framework of the commemoration of the three years of the social outbreak of October 2019, the Undersecretary of the Interior, Manuel Monsalve, delivered the official balance of the events registered throughout the country.
In that sense, the authority reported 195 detainees, 15 looting and 150 events of disturbance of public order registered. In addition, he highlighted the decrease in all events compared to 2021.
“Today we can report that on October 18 of this year there have been 15 looting, that constitutes a 68% decrease in events of this severity that we think is important to highlight. Fortunately and we really value it in a very significant way during the day yesterday there has been no death, last year we had to regret two, “said Monsalve.
He also stressed that there were “150 events of disturbance of public order in the national territory, of which 86 occurred in the Metropolitan region and 64 in regions.”
“There were 195 detainees, of which 115 of these arrests were made in the RM and 80 in regions. In the case of injured police there are 24. 21 with minor injuries, a carabinero with less serious injuries and 2 who are being evaluated,” the authority added.
On the other side, “there are 18 injured civilians, 14 of these 18 are injured as a result of the explosion of a noise bomb inside an educational establishment in Peñalolén.”
“About 1,200 people participated in criminal events. Always the figures, the data, are a matter of question, but the data delivered by the Government are the data reported by the institution of Carabineros de Chile, “he concluded.

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Etiquetas: Chile

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