Máximo Kirchner criticized Alberto Fernández’s “personal ambitions”

The national deputy and head of the Buenos Aires PJ, Máximo Kirchner, launched strong criticism against Alberto Fernández and Mauricio Macri and agitated the internal of the Frente de Todos in the face of the 2023 elections: “The same thing can never happen to us again,” he said. The leader of La Cámpora pointed out against the “personal ambitions” of the president: “It cannot happen that those who use collective constructions once that construction takes them to an important place start a personal adventure,” he said at the closing of the Buenos Aires PJ Congress in the seaside resort city of Mar del Plata. For adventurers there is tourism, “he said ironically and pointed out: “What does it mean to put the value of effort? Don’t get distracted when you’re President, focus on the problems of your society.”
“Although sometimes there are comrades who are sometimes more interested in personal adventures, I still hope that they realize and that just as Cristina did everything she had to do in 2019 so that Argentina would get out of neoliberal opprobrium and Macri do the same and stop playing the offended and the sad,” Continued. In addition, he remarked: “Sad are our people who do not make ends meet, offended are the comrades who want a government that works more every day. We are here to break our souls, we have to have all the polenta necessary to get ahead.” On the other hand, he referred to the leader of the opposition, Mauricio Macri, and acknowledged that he seeks to “confuse” the electorate by declaring “as if he had never governed” using “tantrum speeches.” “You have to be responsible when voting,” he said. In this context, he did not forget the assassination attempt of Vice President Cristina Kirchner, on September 1, and reflected: “I wondered why what had happened had happened, why young people had tried to assassinate those who implemented public policies. What happened in between? These people who now say they want to enjoy freedom.”
“What would these kids who talk about freedom now think if they had been proscribed for 18 years as Peronism was? Without being able to sing the Peronist march that identified them, without being able to name Eva or Juan Perón. What freedom are they going to talk to us about and where did so much unjustified hatred come from?” he added. In that line, he recalled: “What are they going to tell the Peronism of freedom if it was Peronism that suffered oppression in this country and gave its life so that Argentines could recover democracy, vote for whoever they wanted.” Finally, he concluded: “We have only one certainty in the face of so much hatred: hatred is not returned with hatred. To hatred we put the love of militancy. Nothing great can build our country if hatred reigns, what must reign is love and equality in order to develop.”

Original source in Spanish


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