In memory of Roberto Torretti (1930-2022)

Professor Torretti is one of the most prominent Chilean philosophers outside Chile, given his forceful studies mainly in the field of philosophy of science, where he demonstrated systematic works dedicated to the philosophy of physics, biology, mathematics and geometry. From early appears in his writings the concern for the philosophy of nature, of this there is a text published by the University of Chile press, in which we are presented with some conceptions of classical Greek philosophers. With much more scientific knowledge came later his texts “Cantor’s Paradise” and “The Philosophy of Physics”. In recent years, in the press of the Diego Portales University, some of his collected texts were published under the title of “Philosophical Studies”.
Part of his teaching work has been remembered within the Center for Humanistic Studies of the Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Chile. But, also, he achieved notable recognition at the University of Puerto Rico with his wife Carla Cordua and his friend José Echeverria.
One of the anecdotal stories was inside that center about the publication of his famous study on Kant. Book that, in a certain sense, is considered cult within philosophical writings in Chile. The controversial philosopher Patricio Marchant, who had been his assistant, referred to Torretti as that studious genius of philosophy who had lost the possibility of being the new Andrés Bello, by renouncing the vocation of being a philosopher by adopting the method of the scholar. This criticism penetrated deeply into Torretti’s intimacy, given the closeness and trust he had placed in Marchant.
Torretti’s philosophical style, from an essayistic perspective, does not enjoy prodigiosity, perhaps this explains the scarce diffusion that his books reached today, always with a requirement of specialization towards the topics treated. Part of the depth of his texts appear from a formal, serious and very specialized key.
However, beyond writing he stands out as a good trainer, a great conversationalist and possessor of a fine humor in irony. At least that personal feeling left me while I interviewed him a few years before he received the National Humanities Award. To get closer to this teacher, the conversation published by Eduardo Carrasco, under the title “In the sky only the stars”, is very relevant.
In these times when it is said that the cultivation of philosophy is good, the figure of this fervent cultist of the discipline in Chile will be missed. Torretti’s work is still available for reading like that of so many Chilean philosophers who have given us a remarkable legacy.

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Original source in Spanish


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