the activities of Ebrard, Monreal and Sheinbaum

Marcelo Ebrard, Claudia Sheinbaum and Ricardo Monreal, presidential candidates of Morena to succeed President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, had activities this Saturday.
Only Adán Augusto López, another of the possible presidential candidates, had no public activities.
Marcelo Ebrard
The chancellor was one of the most active on Saturday. Marcelo Ebrard led an event to protest the members of the committees to promote the vote in his favor in the Morena poll, heading into the presidential election.

At the World Trade Center, the secretary said that the meeting was to protest all the expressions of support to win the poll to be held in 2023, to head the National Coordination of the Defense Committees of the Fourth Transformation.
He indicated that these committees will have a presence in the 300 electoral districts of the country, to work from January.

So we stayed. My gratitude always. See you in 2023.
— Marcelo Ebrard C. (@m_ebrard) December 3, 2022

Ebrard explained to the attendees that first you must win internal survey of Morena, “that out there someone says that you already have it, that already this and that the other.”
Claudia Sheinbaum
The head of government complied this Saturday with the precautionary measures imposed by the INE, who ordered her to stop the campaign of graffiti of fences and advertising on social networks, which promote it towards the presidential elections of 2024 and asked her supporters to stop promoting it.
Sheinbaum also visited Metro Line 1 to learn about the progress of modernization, where, he said, the laying of the railway from San Lázaro to Salto del Agua has already been completed, and that the installation of the guide bar that allows the electrification of trains continues.
In addition, he went to the Museum of Mexico City to tour the room “Cabinet of Wonders: Antonio Helguera”, which is a permanent exhibition in homage to the Mexican cartoonist.
Ricardo Monreal
From Michoacán, Senator Ricardo Monreal assured that he will never confront President López Obrador, but recalled that the limits of dialogue are “dignity and respect.”
He affirmed that he likes dialogue and that he has the facility to meet with everything, with the PAN, PRI, PRD, PT, with free thinkers, with Christians and Catholics.
“Until I am fed up I will insist on dialogue with President López Obrador and I will never confront him, but flexibility is required, I would tolerate, reciprocity because the limits of that dialogue are dignity, respect,” he said.
Monreal attended the fourth report of legislative activities of Senator Cristóbal Arias, in Morelia, Michoacán.

#EnVivo I attend the fourth report of legislative activities of Senator Cristóbal Arias (@CristobalASolis), from Morelia, Michoacán.
— Ricardo Monreal A. (@RicardoMonrealA) December 3, 2022

This Friday, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reiterated that all those who wish to participate in the survey to choose the presidential candidate of Morena, can do so because they are in their right.
“I’m not going to appoint, I’m not going to appoint, there’s not going to be ‘dedazo… So, that’s also why, without abandoning their functions, those who feel that they have possibilities because they have already begun to smile more, because the survey is going to arrive and then whoever wins the poll because that is going to be, “he said.
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Original source in Spanish


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