Prosecutor’s Office Group Pressured Anfumip to Retract Criticism of Marta Herrera to National Prosecutor

The National Association of Officials of the Public Ministry (Anfumip) published on December 14 a statement in which they rejected the nomination of the lawyer and director of the Specialized Anticorruption and Legal Unit of the persecuting entity, Marta Herrera, as the new National Prosecutor. After that, a group of members of the Association, who work with Herrera, asked Anfumip to retract the criticism.
“The people who work with her and are our associates began a smear campaign against our Association and sent emails asking us to retract the statement,” Anfumip sources told El Mostrador.
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According to these sources, members of the Communications Department of the Prosecutor’s Office are promoting this campaign. This, “because the director of that unit was benefited by Marta Herrera in the summary that was opened for mistreatment and harassment at work.”
Letter against the statement
On December 15, the aforementioned group issued a letter in which they declare themselves “surprised” by Anfumip’s statement. They pointed out that this statement does not represent them and that the rank and file were not consulted either. Along these lines, they pointed out that the document “should be understood as the opinion of its leaders (of Anfumip).”
From the Association indicated that this group asked “the people of the National Prosecutor’s Office to sign the letter to send it to the senators.”

“The people who have signed have done so under pressure because if (Herrera) comes out ratified by the Senate, there will be reprisals against those who did not sign the letter,” they added.
In the Anfumip statement, the Association declared itself on “national alert” and pointed out that Herrera would be the continuity of the questioned former head of the Public Ministry Jorge Abbott. In this regard, they said she was a participant and trusted advisor to the “nefarious administration” of Abbott.

They also maintained that Herrera “does not meet a profile of independence” and that she maintains internal commitments with current regional authorities and managers that “will remain with her at the head of the Public Ministry, perpetuating the current situation of stagnation, lack of modernization and innovation that currently characterizes the institution.”
Recall that the Senate will vote on Monday on the nomination of Marta Herrera – made by President Gabriel Boric – as National Prosecutor. For approval, it requires a quorum of 2/3.

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Etiquetas: Chile

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