Finance Committee approves readjustment of the public sector and passes to the Chamber

The Senate Finance Committee approved the salary adjustment project for the public sector, which contemplates a 12% increase for salaries below 2.02 million pesos.
Specifically, salaries over 2.2 million will receive an increase of 264 thousand pesos per month, an amount established for approximately 11% of the highest salaries of the public administration.
But in parallel, an agreement was signed that seeks to equalize the 12% increase for all public officials, which will be carried out in two parts: in August and December.
In this regard, the Minister of Finance, Mario Marcel, stressed that the project “contemplates a readjustment of salaries for 820,000 public servants of the central administration and services, financed with resources from the public sector.”
“Likewise, it considers bonuses and bonuses for 1,100,000 active workers, linked to the public sector, and practically 3 million pensioners who will receive the bonuses of Fiestas Patrias and Christmas from 2022 to 2023. We have 1,600,000 pensioners who are going to receive the winter bonus. In addition, we have the per capita of Primary Care, which was the subject of discussion in the Budget Law, which will be in an amount greater than $ 10,400, “explained Marcel.
“All these measures we are investing resources of $ 500 billion in 2022 and about $ 3,003 billion in 2023. That is, in total we are talking about just over US $ 3 billion,” which was described by Marcel as “much higher than last year’s Readjustment Law,” he added.
This Wednesday, and after being approved in the commission, it will be voted on in the Senate Chamber during the morning.

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Etiquetas: Chile

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