Guillermo Coppola advances details about his series starring Juan Minujín

Guillermo Coppola broke the silence and advanced details about “Coppola, the representative”, the series based on his real experiences where Juan Minujín will put himself in his skin, recreating over six episodes, the moments that marked his career. The miniseries continues. I am grateful, happy. There is good vibes, good milk. I feel that there will be no discussion,” he predicted on a mobile with Intruders, where he also told how he sees the actor – who this year premiered seasons 4 and 5 of “El Marginal”, and the films “La Ira de Dios”, “El Alternada” and “Matrimillas” – playing him. Juan is more Guillote than me,” said the manager and businessman sympathetically. “Total phenomenon,” he added about this upcoming fiction based on real events that comes after “Maradona: Blessed Dream” (Prime Video), which divided the waters regarding the treatment of real events. “It is a fiction and must be shown as such. For me a series authorized by Diego has no criticism, “he said at the time. “Coppola, the Representative” features director Ariel Winograd as showrunner, while it was made by Pampa Films, and written by Mariano Cohn, Gastón Duprat (as well as “El Encargado” and “Terapia Alternativa”) and Emanuel Diez for Star+. Along with Minujín, the main cast is composed of Mónica Antonópulos (as Amalia “Yuyito” González), Joaquín Ferreira (Poli Armentano), Adabel Guerrero (Alejandra Pradón), Alan Sabbagh (Mariano), Agustín Sullivan (Carlos Menem Jr.) and Mayte Rodriguez (Sophie). Along with María Campos (Susana), Federico Barón (Daniel Scioli), María del Cerro (Karina Rabolini), Santiago Bande (Guillermo Coppola young), Anna Favella (Domenica), Yayo Guridi (Flaco Manguera), Teté Coustarot (Presenter), Diego Pérez, Nicolás Mateo (Cuneo Libarona), Roxana Randón (Ana, Guillermo Coppola’s mother) and Fabián Arenillas (Néstor Ibarra). It is scheduled to premiere in 2024 on the platform.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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