The Government formalized the payment with bonds for the co-participation to CABA

The Government today formalized the decision to transfer TX31 bonds to the city of Buenos Aires as a form of payment of the co-participation funds, within the framework of the precautionary measure of the Supreme Court in which it raises the mass of funds destined to the district by 2.95%, while the Buenos Aires management filed a criminal complaint against officials of the National Executive who did not comply with the ruling. The Court ordered last Wednesday an increase in the co-participable mass in favor of the city of Buenos Aires (CABA), in the framework of the dispute between the two governments for the funds for the transfer of the police in 2016. In this context, President Alberto Fernández last Thursday released a statement in which he called the ruling of the CSJN “political” and “impossible to comply” and announced that he would recuse the judges and present a challenge “in extremis.” But then on Monday, he announced the decision to comply with the precautionary measure through the use of public securities, and reaffirmed the decision to move forward with the presentation of the appeal against the decision of the highest court, as well as to challenge its members, a measure that was concretized today through two writings that bear the signature of the Treasury Attorney (head of the State lawyers). Carlos Zannini.The payment of co-participation through bonds was made official today with the publication of Administrative Decision 1282/2022 of the Chief of Cabinet in the Official Gazette.In parallel to that decision, the president announced yesterday the sending of a bill to Congress in order to provide in the budget the provision of the Court. “In view of the precautionary measure issued in the Judicial File cited in the Citation, the National State has decided to seek the possible remedy in the current circumstances, while the substantive issue is resolved or the Honorable Congress of the Nation issues a law to provide in the budget for the attention of the judicial measure ordered.” said the National Executive within the recitals of the measure published today in the Bulletin Oficial.De accordance with Article 1 of the provision, “the Ministry of Economy, through the Coordinating Body of Financial Administration Systems, must transfer to the Bank of the Argentine Nation the amount equivalent to ninety-eight thousand five hundred million pesos ($98,500,000,000) in TX31 Treasury bonds. ” In this framework, “instructions will be given to that bank to transfer daily to a bank account that will enable under the ownership of the Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, the bonds necessary to cover the difference between one point four (1.4%) that historically was transferred to the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires within the framework of Article 8 of Law No. 23,548, and the two point ninety-five (2.95%) that ordered the precautionary measure dictated” by the Supreme Court last week. However, the measure, which bears the signatures of the ministers of the Interior, Eduardo ‘Wado’ de Pedro, and of Economy, Sergio Massa, was rejected by the Buenos Aires Government headed by Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, who this morning affirmed that the Buenos Aires Executive filed this morning a criminal complaint in the federal courts of Comodoro Py against officials of the National Executive Power, The brief denounces “those who are part of the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of the Interior, who have been notified of the judicial resolution, and the members of the Board of Directors of Banco Nación Argentina and other officials of the line of said banking entity.” And within the complaint it is detailed that “the facts could constitute an infringement of articles 239 and 248 of the Criminal Code of the Nation,” which typify the crimes of disobedience.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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