Femicide in General Rodríguez: a woman was killed after attending a party

A 37-year-old woman was found murdered in a property in the Buenos Aires district of General Rodríguez after attending an alleged party in a farm in the party of Moreno.The discovery of the body of the woman, identified as María Laura Cejas, occurred on Sunday afternoon in the property belonging to a car dismantling located in El Zorzal and El Sauce, of the Pico Rojo neighborhood of the aforementioned party. At the moment there are no detainees for the crime. The body was found by a cardboarder, who found it wrapped in a padding, had signs of hanging and was dressed only in the two pieces of a bikini. The victim, who lived in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Villa Urquiza, had several tattoos and a nose piercing, elements that helped his quick identification. Sources of the investigation cited by the site Primer Plano Online, indicated that there are films that show how two subjects left the body in the place after lowering it from the trunk of the car in which they were mobilizing. A source close to the family said her inner circle only knew the woman had attended a party at a Moreno farm on Saturday. A stepsister said she had dated a man named Martin, who was not her partner, and invited her to the celebration. The victim was looking for work as a caregiver for the elderly, children or in cleaning and said so on social networks. She mentioned that her last job had been as a temporary nanny and left her cell phone, while asking them to share her post. The case is being investigated by Walter Velázquez, of the Homicide Prosecutor’s Office of the Moreno-General Rodríguez Judicial Department, who ordered a series of measures aimed at finding those responsible. Attention, containment and advice in situations of gender violence: By free call 24 hours a day Line 144, by WhatsApp +5491127716463, by mail to linea144@mingeneros.gob.ar or by downloading the app

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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