Former President Michelle Bachelet will meet this Monday with PL leaders and PS deputies: they will address a new constituent process

Former President Michelle Bachelet – who returned to Chile about three months ago, after concluding her position as UN High Commissioner for Human Rights – will resume her political agenda on Monday, with meetings with leaders of the Liberal Party (PL) and with deputies of the Socialist Party (PS). In both appointments they will address the new constituent process.
According to La Tercera, the former president will meet at 9:00 a.m. with the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Vlado Mirosevic (PL), and with the helmsman of the PL, Patricio Morales.
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Later, at about 10:30, Bachelet will join the bench of deputies of the PS -party in which she militates-. Lawmakers will ask him to take an influential role within the party ahead of the election of constituent councilors.
The PS already asked the former president – in mid-December 2022 – to participate in the new constituent process. Bachelet’s office indicated that “she will evaluate it.” Then, the former president herself said on Dec. 2 that she is willing to contribute, but pointed to a more consultative role.
“I think that former presidents should, as we did in the previous process, more than being experts than writing a Constitution or something, be able to be consulted and give opinions, that I think should be the role of former presidents and not be experts. That is my personal opinion,” Bachelet said at the time.
“I will say in the future what is the best way to contribute, but we are also in a democracy that needs new faces, new voices, new ideas, I am always willing to contribute, but new people are needed,” he added.

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Etiquetas: Chile

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