La Polar customer dies after beating in CDMX restaurant

A man was arrested for his alleged involvement in the assault and subsequent death of a customer at La Polar Restaurant in Mexico City’s Cuauhtémoc mayor’s office.
The death of the victim was disseminated on social networks through a live broadcast of the user Adriana Amaranto who denounced that the man was beaten by waiters of the establishment.
The Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) reported that elements of the agency were conducting tours in the San Rafael neighborhood when they received a request for support from the Command and Control Center (C2) Center about an unconscious person on Guillermo Prieto Street.

Upon arriving at the scene, the police found a man outside the restaurant La Polar with “visible blood stains, so they requested emergency medical services.”

#SSC personnel arrested a man who probably assaulted a person inside a bar in @AlcCuauhtemocMx.
— SSC CDMX (@SSC_CDMX) January 9, 2023

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Account of the alleged homicide in La Polar
Through a statement it was detailed that paramedics went to the site where they diagnosed the victim with cardiorespiratory arrest, so the transfer to the hospital was made, however, doctors reported that he had died.
“A 43-year-old woman was interviewed, who referred to being the partner of the injured man and pointed out that they had consumed drinks inside the bar where they had problems with the business staff, who physically assaulted them and removed them from the restaurant,” the agency mentions.
It also adds that the woman, accompanied by an officer, recognized one of the alleged perpetrators who participated in the attack.
Photo: Cuartoscuro
Therefore, a 45-year-old man was arrested and placed at the disposal of the corresponding Public Prosecutor’s Office, which will determine his legal situation.
After the alleged homicide, the restaurant La Polar published on its Facebook page that it “expresses its concern and undertakes to collaborate with the authorities in the clarification of the facts.”
From January to November 2022, the CDMX accumulated a total of one thousand 410 investigation folders for the crime of homicide.
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Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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