Daniel Scioli: “The coming time will need to join forces and I am a bridge builder, not an obstructor”

The Argentine ambassador to Brazil Daniel Scioli affirmed that he is “to help and work” in case of an eventual candidacy and clarified that he is “a bridge builder, not an obstructor,” while stressing that now his “great objective” is to achieve a “very broad agreement” between Argentina and Brazil that strengthens both countries. ” I never thought politics in personal terms, the coming time will need to join forces and I am a bridge builder, not an obstructor,” said the Argentine ambassador to Brazil in statements to Atlantic Radio of Mar del Plata when asked about a possible presidential candidacy in the next elections. At the same time he expressed his gratitude to those who “always accompanied him”, both in his two terms as governor of the province of Buenos Aires as well as in his candidacy for president in 2015. “To all the people who accompanied me, I am here to help and work,” he emphasized regarding his position on this election year. Likewise, Scioli referred to yesterday’s statements of former President Mauricio Macri, who said “to be in the ring” for the next elections, and said: “the ring sounds like a fight and mine is not the fight, mine is to agree, bring differences closer, integrate, unite and I think that is what is coming.” Less fighting, less confrontation, less cracking, enough problems people have in their daily lives for us to give them more conflicts or concerns,” the ambassador said. And he added: “We must focus on transcendent things, develop all our productive force to generate more work and solve people’s concerns.” Scioli visited Mar del Plata last week, where he accompanied President Alberto Fernández to tour the port and met with Santiago Cafiero with the fishing sector. Regarding his main objective currently as ambassador to Brazil, he said that he seeks “to be able to realize very transcendent things, a very broad agreement with all areas of government so that together Argentina and Brazil can strengthen each other.” The first stage was to rebuild the relationship, to make Brazil the first trading partner where I used my experience to close cracks, bring positions closer,” explained the ambassador who arrived in the neighboring country with a practically paralyzed relationship with former President Jair Bolsonaro and who managed to resume dialogue and trade agreements. Currently, Lula da Silva’s assumption of the presidency suits Argentina better because of the link with the three-time president of Brazil. “In this second stage, it’s about deeper integration,” Scioli said. It is a time of union, of seeking great points of agreement and state policies,” said the ambassador, adding that “he is always prepared for everything as in this case that I have been entrusted with this responsibility of rebuilding the relationship with Brazil.” “Now I am with this great goal of sealing this great agreement,” he added.

Original source in Spanish


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