Inflation: what increased the most in December and throughout the year

The Consumer Price Index registered a monthly increase of 5.1% in December 2022, accumulating an increase of 94.8% in 2022, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INDEC). On the other hand, the item with the highest increase in the last month of the year corresponded to Restaurants and hotels (7.2%), followed by Alcoholic beverages and tobacco (7.1%). Likewise, the increase in domestic service was highlighted, which impacted on Home equipment and maintenance (5.9%); fuels, with an impact on Transport (5.8%); and the prepaid medicine quota, within the Health division (5.7%). The rise in Food and non-alcoholic beverages (4.7%) was also the one that had the most impact in most regions, highlighting the increase in Fruits; Mineral waters, carbonated drinks and juices; Bread and cereals; and, in some of the regions, vegetables, tubers and legumes. It should be noted that the unregulated prices that make up the Core CPI rose by 5.3%, slightly above regulated prices, which increased 5.1%, led by fuel increases and prepaid medicine quotas, after which the increase in Seasonal prices was located, with a rise of 4.6%. For its part, in the accumulated of all 2022, the largest increase was had clothing and footwear with 120.8%, followed by restaurants and hotels, with 108.8%, miscellaneous goods and services with 97.8%, equipment and maintenance of the home with 97.2%, and food and non-alcoholic beverages with 95%. Finally, below the general annual rate were alcoholic beverages and tobacco with 92.9%, health with 90.9%, education with 86.3%, transport with 86.2%, recreation and culture with 83.2%, housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels with 80.4%, and communication with 67.8%.

Original source in Spanish


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