Czech footballer confesses he’s gay: ‘I don’t want to hide any longer’

Jakub Jankto, a 27-year-old Czech footballer who plays for Getafe in Spain and currently plays on loan at Sparta Prague, revealed in a video on his social networks that he is homosexual and that he “no longer wants to hide”. The footballer played during the last season in the Spanish club, where he was used in 14 LaLiga matches, but now, while wearing the shirt of the club of his country decided to make his homosexuality known. “Like everyone else, I have my strengths, I have my weaknesses, I have a family, I have my friends, I have a job that I’ve been doing the best I can for years, with seriousness, professionalism and passion. Like everyone else. I also want to live my life in freedom. No fear. Without prejudice. No violence. BUT with love. I am homosexual and I no longer want to hide, “confessed Jakub Jankto.Si although it is not the first homosexual player to make himself known, it is not normal for this to happen, but it is important for those who do not dare, to do it more naturally. In addition, during his career he also wore the shirt of Sampdoria in Italy and played five games for his country’s national team in the qualification for the World Cup in Qatar.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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