Cecilia Moreau benched Massa and crossed Guzmán and Kulfas

The head of the Chamber of Deputies, Cecilia Moreau, benched the current Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, but crossed the former members of the National Cabinet, Martín Guzmán and Matías Kulfas for their efforts. In that sense, according to NA, the legislator said: “One can more or less agree with Sergio Massa but you can not deny him the ability to work and that he assumed the Ministry of Economy at the worst time.” At the same time, he added: “After what was Guzman’s exchange rate delay and Kulfas’ dollar festival, we have an economy minister who understands what is happening to Argentines.” In this way, Moreau remarked that “some Guzmán officials told me that he had presidential aspirations” and pointed against the former economy minister, who according to her “had a distant and unreal view of Argentina.” For his part, regarding Massa’s work, he said that he met with him and that he saw him “worried and busy” on the issues of his portfolio. In addition, on a possible presidential candidacy by the member of the National Cabinet, he said: “It is incompatible to be Minister of Economy and candidate for President. And he’s not going to stop being a minister until he adjusts the economy.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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