Ricardo Gareca returns to be coach of Vélez after 12 years

After the resignation of Alexander “Cacique” Medina for the loss to Boca Juniors, Ricardo Gareca will return to coach Vélez after 12 years. The coach, who was being closely followed by the Ecuador national team, agreed on Thursday afternoon the contract with manager Christian Bassedas and is expected to sign the new contract between Monday and Tuesday. The 65-year-old former striker will be linked to the institution of Liniers until the end of this 2023, when the next elections will take place in the institution, and will be accompanied by Sergio Santín as field assistant, Néstor Bonillo and Ernesto Colman in the physical preparation, in addition to Leo Torrico as goalkeeper coach. It still remains to define the last helper. Despite being a semifinalist of the last Copa Libertadores, the club’s football present is a concern for the leaders and fans, who asked for an urgent change.  El Tigre is the last coach to win a title at the Fortín and has the ability to turn the situation around. In his first stage in Vélez, he won four titles (Clausura 2009, Clausura 2011, Torneo Inicial 2012 and Supercopa 2012/13) in 250 matches. In detail, he won 128 matches, drew 63 and lost 59 with an effectiveness of 59.7%.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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