From ‘standing firm against crime’ to ‘reducing waiting lists’: President Boric’s open mic requests

After weeks of secrecy and speculation about a cabinet change, President Gabriel Boric finalized the expected ministerial adjustment and made variations in the portfolios of Foreign Affairs, Public Works, Cultures, Sports and Sciences.
In the middle of his speech, the President pointed directly at each of his ministers of state, giving them a series of instructions and pending challenges in their respective portfolios. For example, Interior Minister Carolina Tohá asked her to “remain firm in the fight against crime,” since “it is a priority for our people and the government.”
In the case of the Minister of Education, Marco Antonio Ávila, questioned in recent days about the discussion he had with Deputy Viviana Delgado, the head of state expressed “without forgetting by the way, with a long-term perspective, debts as lacerating as the historical debt with teachers.”
To Ximena Aguilera, the Minister of Health, the President required him to solve the current problems faced by the isapres, but “without forgiveness in the face of irresponsibility.” He also asked him to “reduce waiting lists” in public health.
To the head of Social Development, Giorgio Jackson, the President asked that “poverty and childhood are not left behind. The child guarantee law is vital for this.” Meanwhile, the Minister of Government, Camila Vallejo, was instructed to “communicate as you know, from minute one, that throughout Chile the work we are doing is known.”
For the Minister of Women and Gender Equality, Antonia Orellana, who was not present, the head of state asked her to work on the comprehensive law against violence against women, which was announced last Wednesday in the framework of the commemoration of International Women’s Day.
To the head of Labor, Jeannette Jara, Boric required that “we get the 40 hours for which we have fought so hard and dignity for workers.” Maisa Rojas, Minister of the Environment, was asked not to take “even one step back in our commitment to move towards carbon neutrality and face the climate crisis from Chile.”
Finance Minister Mario Marcel, who this week experienced his first major defeat in the Chamber of Deputies after the rejection of the tax reform, Boric asked him to “continue with his temperance and little-known good humor. Despite the difficulties along the way, together we will overcome them.”
Along the same lines, the president told Defense Minister Maya Fernandez that “we continue to strengthen our relationship with our professional and constitutionalist Armed Forces, which have been in recent years always available to serve the Homeland and that this year will be particularly special.”
On the other hand, the head of state pointed to the Minister of Housing, Carlos Montes, whom he urged to “continue implementing the housing emergency plan to achieve the 260,000 new housing solutions that we committed to. We’ve been told many times that it’s impossible, but I know we’re going to make it with you.”
To Diego Pardow, the head of Energy, the President told him that “our energy transition is at the height of the new times, that it is increasingly green and that it reaches all the confines of the Republic, to those towns even where there is still no light 24 hours a day.”
In the case of Justice Minister Luis Cordero, the head of state expressly asked him to “never stop looking for those we lack, the disappeared detainees, and seriously address the crisis in prisons.” Nicolás Grau, Minister of Economy, was summoned to focus on green hydrogen and reconstruction in areas affected by the fires.
The Minister of Transport, Juan Carlos Muñoz, was asked that “with his enthusiasm that characterizes him, we push against all odds the trains for Chile.” Likewise, the Minister of Mining, Marcela Hernando, was asked to consolidate the lithium strategy but without neglecting environmental protection.
For the Minister of National Assets, Javiera Toro, the message was “that the wealth and immensity of the territory can be shared with the people.” To Esteban Valenzuela, Minister of Agriculture, the President told him “that with that energy you put into fighting the fires, allow the countryside and rurality to never be forgotten again.”
In the case of the Minister of the General Secretariat ofIn the Presidency (Segpres), Ana Lya Uriarte, who is one of the secretaries of state who entered the government in the last cabinet change registered in September, the President told her: “I trust you to, with more effort and dialogue, build a majority in Congress.”
Requests to new ministers
The president also took advantage of the occasion to send messages to the newly appointed ministers. In that sense, the new head of Sports, Jaime Pizarro, entrusted that “the Pan American and Parapan American Games are a continental party of which all of Chile feels part, not only in the places where we will be hosted, but throughout the territory of the country.”
To the new chancellor, Alberto Van Klaveren, the head of state asked that “our country be the benchmark of multilateralism, integration, dialogue and unrestricted respect for Human Rights throughout the planet, following the path that our minister Urrejola had.”
For Jaime de Aguirre, the new Minister of Cultures, Boric thanked him “for coming here, leaving the hospital.” “You have an energy that I envy. May the density and history in your work in culture encourage you and allow culture to be the spirit of our people that beats in each of our hearts and territories, which needs more resources and imagination to shine like the embracing sun of our continent, “said the President.
President Boric also asked the new Minister of Public Works, Jessica López, “that the MOP be the muscle of the State and provide Chile with the infrastructure it deserves throughout the territory.” Finally, Aisén Etcheverry, the new Minister of Science, asked that “science be for everyone.”

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Etiquetas: Chile

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