Gorosito separated Brian Fernández from the Colón squad: “That’s it, I’m not a psychologist”

The coach of Colón de Santa Fe, Néstor “Pipo” Gorosito, referred to the situation of Brian Fernández, who missed two practices without warning, and made the decision to separate him from the squad and train with the reserves. Brian Fernandez missed two training sessions. I didn’t have permission. I told him I gave him a chance and gave him two… That’s it. He has to talk to the people at the club to see how he goes. I am not a psychologist, I must give priority to the group,” explained “Pipo” Gorosito at a press conference. It happened to him many times. I spoke to him as a father, as a neighborhood kid that he is also. It is an issue that he must resolve. I can’t say something I’m not qualified for,” the coach added. Fernández returned to the club after his failed attempt to play in Chilean football and has a contract valid until June, but for now he was not summoned to any match of the “Sabalero” or First and Reserve.It should be remembered that on October 6 of last year the striker was arrested by the Santa Fe police after being found throwing stones and causing disturbances in a bus stop. After being hospitalized for almost a month at the Iturraspe Hospital for a psychotic break, he began a recovery process. When he recovered, Colón gave him a new opportunity, but since this Friday Gorosito assured that he will no longer have him and will play in the reserve.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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