Alternatives in the FdT and JxC; The party of the National Team continues; The increase in dengue cases is a concern; and so on…

1 – PASO and “face to face” meeting between the President and the vice-president: other alternatives emerge in the Frente de TodosDeputy Eduardo Valdés did not rule out a meeting between Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner, distanced for several months; In addition, Governor Jorge Capitanich proposed a PASO between the former president, the president and the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa. I kept reading here… 2 – Bullrich said that Cristina Kirchner “should” be a candidate and assured: “I win as a person and what she represents”The PRO pre-candidate assured that she promotes a project “of freedom and openness”; He again differentiated himself from Rodríguez Larreta and assured that the Province of Buenos Aires needs to “deconurbanize.” I kept reading here… 3 – Espert said he could join a “mega PASO” in Together for ChangeThe national deputy of Avanza Libertad again left the door open to the possibility of joining Together for Change. I kept reading here… 4 – Tucumán: Three deaths from dengue were confirmed and the increase in cases worries throughout the countryThe provincial Ministry of Health reported the death of two adults in the last hours that add to the first fatality reported last Thursday. In total, six people have died in the country in recent weeks from the infection transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. I kept reading here… 5 – How will the show be in the preview of the match between the Argentine National Team and CuracaoThe world champions will face Curacao this Tuesday from 20.30 in Santiago del Estero, and will continue to celebrate the conquest of the Qatar 2022 World Cup. I kept reading here… 6 – Leandro Granato: the emotionality of his painting with tears and the brutality of his kitchenIn dialogue with, the Argentine artist spoke about his career in art that led him to travel the world despite the blows he has experienced and also referred to the relationship with his cousin, the ‘Dibu’ Martinez. I kept reading here… 7 – On air: Grabois called Cristina Pérez “garbage, xenophobic and delinquent”The social leader and the journalist crossed paths during a radio interview. “It hangs on the Pope’s cassock, Cristina Kirchner’s skirt and Maximo’s shorts,” the host told her; “You are a scoundrel, you play educadita,” replied the presidential candidate. I kept reading here… 8 – Prosecutor requests the prosecution of Gianola for sexual abuseMariela Labozzetta, head of the Specialized Fiscal Unit of Violence against Women (UFEM), requested the prosecution for sexual abuse with carnal access against the actor. I kept reading here… 9 – Zaz arrives in Argentina for the second time to show her new album “Isa”The French singer will perform for the second time at Luna Park on April 22 to reconnect with her audience after eight years. In dialogue with, the artist told her expectations about it and the desire to play again in the country. I kept reading here… 10 – Marcos Ginocchio, the cousin, was consecrated as the winner of Big Brother with record ratingOn an exciting night the Salta took the first place of the reality with more than 70% of the votes. After him came Nacho and in third place, Julieta. Monday’s gala marked unprecedented ratings peaks for Argentine television. I kept reading here…

Original source in Spanish


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