After the visit of the island’s leader to the US, China deployed its military power near Taiwan

This Friday, China again sent military planes and ships to the vicinity of Taiwan with the aim of showing its rejection of the visit of the president of the island, Tsai Ing-wen, to the United States.From the Ministry of Defense of the island it was reported that for the second consecutive day, three Chinese warships sailed in waters near the autonomous island and that a fighter jet and an anti-submarine helicopter penetrated the air defense identification zone. All this happened while the president met with Kevin McCarthy, leader of the US House of Representatives, in Los Angeles, where he expressed his country’s “unwavering support” for Taiwan.Photo: ReutersMeanwhile, China announced it would take “firm and absolute measures” after the meeting between Tsai and McCarthy. Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang made it clear that this meeting “violates China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and sends an appalling wrong signal to the separatist forces of ‘independent Taiwan.'” It should be remembered that Taiwan and China separated in 1949, after a civil war in which the communists took power in mainland China and where the nationalists retreated to Taiwan. Despite this conflict, Beijing still considers the island as part of its territory.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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