Javier Milei reiterated that if he is president he will promote dollarization

The deputy and presidential candidate for La Libertad Avanza, Javier Milei, reiterated today that if he reaches the Executive Branch he intends to “dollarize” the economy and create an “offshore bank.” In addition, he described the agricultural sector as a “locomotive” of the economy when participating in the meeting organized by the Argentine Rural Society (SRA) on its Palermo property. If Congress rejects dollarization, I’m not going to cry. I’m going to do a popular consultation,” Milei said. In that sense, the deputy said that “he doesn’t give a damn what they say about dollarization” and stressed that it is a “robbery that the State prints money to finance the treasury.” He also indicated that “there are different ways to dollarize” and mentioned that he is studying the possibility of “offshorizar the bank” in order to “avoid runs.” And it was stressed that he intends to close the Central Bank since he conceives it as “an element by which they defraud the entire population.” “They make us all poorer,” he said. Before the Argentine Rural Society, the libertarian leader said that “the countryside” would be one of the sectors that would benefit from this measure since “the exchange gap would be eliminated” and in that way, the countryside “would have to triple its income.” “They would be taking their foot off them and they could grow and contribute a lot,” he emphasized. In a speech with many winks towards the sector, Milei stressed: “The Argentine countryside is the best in the world, the gap is banked, withholdings are banked, 22 more taxes and expropriations.” For this reason, he classified it as “the best in the world” and stressed that it has to be “the star and the locomotive” of the economy. Present at the event are the CICyP board of directors chaired by Marcos Pereda, also the head of the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA); Daniel Funes de Rioja, the representative of the Stock Exchange Adelmo Gabbi and the businessmen Martín Cabrales (Cabrales); Bettina Bulgheroni (Samconsult), among others. The event was also attended by the various presidential candidates of JxC, such as Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, the president of the PRO, Patricia Bullrich and the head of the UCR, Gerardo Morales; and Hacemos por Córdoba will present their proposals.

Original source in Spanish


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