Spain: Ex-‘Big Brother’ sentenced to 15 months in jail for abusing participant

A former participant of the Spanish edition of the reality show “Gran Hermano Revolución” was sentenced to 15 months in prison for sexually abusing a participant in the house where the program was held, while it was broadcast by the Telecinco signal, in the early hours of November 4, 2017.The man, identified as José María López, He was sentenced to “fifteen months in prison as the author responsible for a consummated crime of sexual abuse against Carlota Prado”, another of the participants of the television program with whom he maintained a sentimental relationship, the Spanish justice reported in a statement. In addition, the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid said that “he is sentenced to four years of isolation and incommunicado with respect to the victim and to compensate her in the amount of 6,000 euros” ($6,570), a sum of which Zeppelin TV, the producer of the program, will also have to respond as a subsidiary civil liability. (José María López and Carlota Prado, during the ‘Big Brother’ of 2017) Both contestants had started a relationship on the show. The incident occurred during a party, when López took advantage of a moment of drunkenness of Prado to abuse her under the gaze of the cameras without her being able to give her consent for such interaction. In the sentence, the judge considered it proven that the defendant, “guided by a libidinous spirit, knowing that C. P.A. was under the effects of an ethyl drowsiness that would later lead him to unconsciousness, took off his pants – when both were occupying the same bed -, and began to perform under the comforter movements of a sexual nature “, even though the victim told him ‘I can’t.'” The lubricious movements of the condemned continued for several more minutes, until the victim uncovered his face and an arm and his inert state was shown, which motivated the intervention of one of the members of the program, “the sentence continues. The images were never broadcast and the matter did not come to light until two years later, when the press revealed in 2019 that the woman had had to watch the recordings the next morning in an isolated room called “confessional” of Big Brother. A video of this interrogation of the girl, which was disseminated by an Internet media, showed the young woman crying and imploring the images to stop.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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