Biden announced he will seek re-election

U.S. President Joe Biden has formally announced that he will run for re-election in 2024 and asked his voters to allow him to finish the job he started when he came to power. Through your account Twitter, the US president said: “Every generation has a moment when it had to defend democracy. Defend their fundamental freedoms. I think this is ours. That’s why I’m running for re-election as president of the United States.” In that way, Biden is betting that his legislative achievements in his first term and more than 50 years of experience in Washington count more than concerns about his age, given that at the end of his second term he would be 86 years old. The announcement of the president of the United States was just four years after his entry into the campaign that gave him victory against former Republican President Donald Trump, who is already a pre-candidate for his party and with whom he could fight again at the polls in 2024. And we still are. The question we face is whether in the coming years we will have more or less freedom. More rights or less.”

Original source in Spanish


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