Road mobility project, will be the one that was built with citizens: Hernández Peña

The initiative of the Law on Mobility and Road Safety presents a 95% progress
Morelia, Michoacán. – To guarantee the right of people to have freedom of transit and road safety, it is necessary to make a change in the rules and promote, with it, a new road culture that serves to build a responsible coexistence and mutual respect between the people of Michoacán.
This was expressed by the local deputy of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), Jesús Hernández Peña, who also celebrated that there are only a few days left before the draft Law for Mobility and Road Safety in Michoacán, which he said “will be the one that was built hand in hand with the citizenship”, through a statement.
In this regard, he reported that after having held about 66 meetings with the technical team, the project is 95% complete, so they will soon be able to conclude and present it.
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He added that the lack is related to public transport issues such as the creation of permanent licenses, the Institute of Transport, the regulation of school transport, among others that are being defined by the Communications and Transportation Commission of the State Congress, the Secretariat of Urban Development and Mobility, the Public Transport Coordinating Commission, the Directorate of Legislative Liaison of the Secretariat of Government, the Legal Department and the Ministry of Finance.
In this context, Deputy Hernández Peña stressed the importance of citizen participation in the construction of this project, and reiterated his commitment to the safety and road mobility of Michoacanos.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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