Argentina will host the first Arena Polo World Cup

The International Polo Federation and the Argentine Polo Association (AAP) announce the realization of the first Arena Polo World Cup to be played in our country at La Carona Polo Club, Chapel of the Lord, between May 1 and 6 of this year.
This first edition has the participation of Argentina, which also officiates as host, and the teams of Austria, United States, France, Morocco and Uruguay.
Photo: Matías Callejo (AAP Press)The championship will be played with national teams of 10 to 12 goals of handicap of Arena Polo and in it players of -1 to 4 goals (grass handicap) can participate.
“It is an honor for Argentina to be the official venue of the first World Arena Polo Championship in history. As always, we continue to be referents of Polo around the world, and this represents a new opportunity to make the sport visible and our great players who continue to set the course for all generations to come,” said Carlos Menéndez Behety, vice president of the AAP. Also called “riding polo” or “indoor” in the United States or England, Arena Polo is the same sport we already know, but starring three players per team, on a court reduced in its dimensions, 100 x 50 meters, with sand floor instead of grass. The dynamics of the game is very wide, since when played between walls, the ball almost never leaves the court and the fluidity is much greater.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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