Gonzalo Montiel appeared to testify about the complaint he received for sexual abuse

The author of the prison that consecrated Argentina in Qatar 2022, Gonzalo Montiel, appeared this morning at the prosecutor’s office of La Matanza to make a voluntary and spontaneous informative statement about the complaint of sexual abuse he received. This is a judicial case that was initiated by an alleged sexual abuse at a party at his maternal home produced on January 1, 2019 when Carolina B., who maintains that she had a relationship with the footballer, went to the house of the Montiel family in Virrey del Pino and was sexually abused, According to journalist Gustava, Grabia.La first complaint was made on January 10, 2019, when he pointed against an alleged friend of the player, named Alexis Acosta, as the author of the aberrant episode. On that occasion, the alleged victim delivered the studies that were done at the Cemic medical center where the abuse protocol was activated. The case fell in the Fiscal Unit Number 3 of Gender Violence of La Matanza in charge at that time of Dr. María Catalina Barrios. At that time, the case did not prosper because it was never ratified by the victim and on December 2, 2022 it was archived, which means that it remains on standby until it prescribes or new evidence is produced that deserves to resume the process. In March of this year, when Montiel returned to Argentina for the celebratory match for winning the World Cup against Panama, Carolina B. testified in court that the defender was the last person to see her before she fainted. He said he had two drinks and became dizzy.”That was the last image I had, of Gonzalo entering, because then I fainted. When I woke up, about five hours later, I was lying in the entrance of the house with bruises, full of mud, with all the clothes disheveled and with Gonzalo’s sister yelling at me ‘don’t mess with my brother, don’t name him, because I’m going to kill you’. There they put me in a car with two other girls and left me at my house. When I got up everything hurt, I messaged Gonzalo and he told me ‘you were with someone’. When I ask her for explanations she stops answering me and there I get a WhatsApp from someone who claimed to be her mother, Marisa, who writes to me ‘they raped you, mommy, put eggs’. There I ran to the hospital and they did the sexual abuse protocol” he declared. Now, it will carry out another extension of the complaint that will be made next Thursday. Montiel, to put an end to this situation, sued the lawyer of the alleged victim Raquel Hermida and also requested a court hearing. The Argentine full-back explained that he left the party at 6AM to take a friend to the house who had suffered a nervous breakdown and asthma and stayed with him until he calmed down. Later, when she arrived, “they were all at the door of my house and Carolina was screaming angrily and saying that it was all my fault because I had not taken care of her and did not know what she was talking about. Then they told me he was with someone from the neighborhood named Alexis in a car and at his house.” Given this situation, we will have to wait to see what the victim and the witnesses she presented, who were summoned for July 4, declare on Thursday. The psychological examination on Carolina was set on August 10. Then, the prosecutor can take a procedural temperament that could go as far as formally charging him as the alleged perpetrator of a crime or leaving him out. 

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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