Cecilia Strzyzowski’s mother spoke about the elections in Chaco: “Today the way to march is to vote”

While the Justice continues to investigate the disappearance of Cecilia Strzyzowski, disappeared since June 1 in Resistencia, Chaco, in the province the primary elections are being carried out, where the links of Capitanich with the Sena family, the main accused for the alleged femicide, could affect the final result. Faced with this situation, Cecilia’s mother, Gloria Romero, spoke to the media prior to casting her vote: “Many people told me that it was not useful to vote in the PASO, but it does work. Today the way to march is to vote.” Then, she took it upon herself to send a message to all the people who support her and made it clear that “if you are with me, come and vote. That in the votes they realize that people are angry.” At the same time, he referred to what happened to his daughter and said that “they are things that sometimes break me, that I do not understand. I can’t understand this, I don’t know what my daughter could have seen, how much they were bothered by what she saw to do what they did.” Thus, on Sunday morning, during the elections, prosecutor Jorge Cáceres Olivera confirmed the discovery of clothing and a burned suitcase that is compatible with the belongings that Cecilia Strzyzowski had in the Emerenciano Sena neighborhood.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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