Chaco: Skeletal remains and belongings found that could be Cecilia Strzyzowski

The Chaco police found on Tuesday crushed bones and other elements of relevance in the rakes they executed to find the whereabouts of Cecilia Strzyzowski, missing since Friday, June 2 and whose case is investigated as a femicide. A cross-shaped pendant was also found in the area, similar to one worn by the 28-year-old. The girl was last seen after entering the home of her in-laws, social leaders Emerenciano Sena and Marcela Acuña, parents of César Sena, who was Cecilia’s partner. The entire family was detained along with four other people accused of the femicide of the young woman. The operation was carried out by tactical divers on the Tragadero River, on the outskirts of the neighborhood called Emerenciano, built and administered by the marriage of official piqueteros. The three prosecutors leading the investigation, Jorge Cáceres Olivera, Jorge Gómez and Nelia Velásquez, mobilized to the scene to monitor the action. (Gustavo Obregón and César Sena) The information about the place would have been provided by one of the detainees, Gustavo Obregón, collaborator in the homicide and therefore, charged as a participant. The accused was taken to the scene by the police to collaborate with the search, which fuels expectations of a decisive breakthrough in the investigation. Obregón is a person of maximum confidence of the family who worked, among other tasks, as a driver of César Sena when he went to high school. He is married to Fabiana González, an employee of Acuña who was also arrested as an accessory to the murder. Judicial sources cited by The Nation They indicate that he would have confessed to having helped the 19-year-old to discard Cecilia’s body.Near the place of Tuesday’s rakes, criminalistics agents and the Prosecutor’s Office of Resistance had found on Sunday, about 200 meters from San Martín Street that crosses the Emerenciano neighborhood, a suitcase with wheels and clothes that had been burned. They also found rings and chains. The evidence is analyzed to see if it belongs to Strzyzowski. (Emerenciano Sena and Marcela Acuña) The discovery of the suitcase adds to other evidence that was collected at the Sena home, such as the traces of blood that were found in that residence. The description provided by Cecilia’s mother, Gloria Romero, reinforces the hypothesis that they were her daughter’s belongings. If so, it would be the first trace of the victim credited in the file. The 28-year-old had left the 500 Viviendas neighborhood in Barranqueras, where her great-aunt lives, on Thursday night with a suitcase with wheels and a pink backpack. That day her husband César Sena, 19, picked her up with his truck. On Friday at 9.30 a security camera recorded the last image of Cecilia alive, entering the house of her in-laws located in Santa María de Oro 1460. There, according to the prosecutor’s main hypothesis, is where the woman was murdered. Cecilia arrived there deceived by her husband, who had told her that they would travel to Buenos Aires and then to Ushuaia for a job. The young man led Cecilia’s family to believe that they had traveled by sending WhatsApp messages to relatives of the young woman and her mother, Gloria Romero, stating that they were already in the country’s capital. Despite not having found the body of the young woman, from the first moment the fact is investigated as a femicide. What remains to be clarified is what happened in the house of Sena and Acuña, that is, who or who were the material authors of the crime and how they would have ended the life of Cecilia Strzyzowski. This data is key to determining the charges against the detainees.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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