“Elements” the new Disney and Pixar film arrives with relaxed functions

With a great turnout achieved for the relaxed functions of THE LITTLE MERMAID, Cinemark-Hoyts and Disney continue to support inclusive entertainment with the screening of ELEMENTS, the new Disney and Pixar film, adapted for neurodivergent people and companions. On Sunday, June 25 at 10:30 in the Cinemark-Hoyts cinemas of Alto Avellaneda, Palermo and Soleil will be carried out relaxed functions that will be subtly adapted to the needs and preferences of neurodivergent people and / or who choose spaces with reduced sensory stimuli, in order to provide an accessible proposal so that they can enjoy the film. The relaxed functions of ELEMENTOS in the Cinemark-Hoyts cinemas will be projected in a reduced stimulus environment respecting the needs of the people who attend. The effects of lights and sounds will be softened throughout the film and there will be greater freedom of movement. The use of personalized assistance items (headphones, sensory toys, sunglasses, etc.) will be allowed for those who need it. In turn, the occupation of the rooms will be reduced for greater mobility and comfort. During this screening of ELEMENTS, the doors will remain open, allowing those who attend to enter and leave as many times as necessary. It should also be noted that, to reduce anxiety through anticipation and accompany different needs, a system of information resources and signage has been designed for those who attend. This organization is present throughout the complex, marking the route to the hall and then to the exit. In this way, Cinemark-Hoyts and Disney reinforce their sustained commitment to continue providing a greater number of inclusive and accessible entertainment proposals, which represent and can be enjoyed by more and more people. In turn, developed by the NGO Inclusive Departures with the support of Disney and based on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform, a series of downloadable resources, useful information and awareness were made available, which can be used and adapted to each need, with the aim of inspiring other sectors in these more inclusive practices. Tickets can be purchased here

Original source in Spanish


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