“Let’s be faithful to our history,” reads Juan Grabois’ campaign spot

The pre-candidate for president leader of the MTE and Patria Grande, Juan Grabois and his running mate Paula Aval Medina, presented their campaign spot under the premise of “let’s be faithful to our history” within the framework of the campaign to the PASO of August 13, where they will compete in the internal against the binomial supported by Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and Alberto Fernández in Union for the Fatherland (UxP) formed by Sergio Massa and Agustín Rossi.With the intention of containing the vote for the left of UxP, the social leader launched his first campaign clip. “Argentina is a people with history,” the audiovisual material begins with an address to the camera, where Grabois demands to nationalize the resources and “leave the International Monetary Fund (IMF).” Located in the Ferrocarril neighborhood of San Fernando, a popular neighborhood built by its neighbors in the 60s, and with a mural of Gauchito Gil in the background, Grabois highlights historical events such as independence, the governments of Perón and Evita and also those of Néstor and Cristina Kirchner who, he says, “rebuilt a country from its ashes.” That you can work, rest and be happy is not fantasy, “says the presidential candidate. And he adds: “A good government must guarantee wages, housing, health and education, nationalize resources and get out of the fund. It is to return to being a homeland and stop being a colony.” He who says it is impossible does not know us. Let’s be true to our history,” concludes the head of list 134 B “Just and Sovereign.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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