Pamela David recalled a situation with Alejandro Fantino: “He had me as an ornament”

The other day in American Breakfast There was a tense moment when Luisa Albinoni became obfuscated with Paulo Vilouta when they were debating the case of Williams Alexander Tapón, the young man who assaulted a referee and at the same time committed suicide. The video of the crossing went viral and the parties made their disclaimer of the matter, however Pamela David, host of the cycle, was sincere with an attitude that came out at the time of the discussion, and that irritated the panelist. To replicate the theme that circulated on social networks, the production put together a tape with all the fights that Albinoni had in the cycle, which is characterized by being very vehement, and acknowledged that she became nervous about “a little hand that asked her to calm down.”  It was there that Pamela admitted that it was she who tried to stop her, and explained that “that little hand was hers”, although it was not the only thing she said, since she remembered her past on television, and assured that many times they wanted to silence her.“I want to tell people that the hand is mine, but I learned from Fantino that he silenced me for entire programs. It was the vase made up and combed, but you can’t see it. I don’t do it to you on purpose, Luisa.”, explained David who was automatically ashamed of what was said and expressed: “I said it or I thought it,” he launched laughing about his sincerity. 

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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