Mauricio Macri welcomed García Moritán to the PRO space

This afternoon, Roberto García Moritán announced the decision to lower his pre-candidacy to pre-candidate for head of the Buenos Aires Government to join and support the space of Jorge Macri. “I decided to decline my candidacy for Head of Government to accompany the project of
Jorge Macri. Together we will recover order and freedom in the City of Buenos Aires. We are going to end the pickets, the mafias and the violence. Given this, the leader of the PRO and former president, Mauricio Macri, welcomed him to the political space and mentioned: “It is encouraging to know that there are leaderships like Roberto’s, capable of putting the well-being of the porteños, the vision and shared values before personal ambition. With great joy and desire to work together we welcome him,” said the former president. In turn, Jorge Macri also thanked García Moritán for his support and mentioned: “Welcome and very grateful for your support Roberto García Moritán. As you say, in the coming days two models will be discussed, so I appreciate your generosity in this decision.” Then the pre-candidate for head of the Buenos Aires Government for Together for Change remarked: “We worked many years to get here, we gave many struggles, we learned and we are to continue producing very important changes. Your support comes at a time when things are aligning in the same direction. Let us continue like this, on the side of people, freedom and progress. There’s a lot to do.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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