Cecilia Roth: “I am very supportive of what is happening with the strikes of actors and screenwriters in the United States”

During her time at the International Film Festival of the University of Buenos Aires, actress Cecilia Roth (who last year presented her most recent premiere, “Las Fiestas”), offered her support around the situation of strikes and demonstrations in Hollywood as a result of salary improvements and against the measures of Artificial Intelligence that are acquiring more and more boom. I support a lot what happens in the United States, “said the actress when asked in Implacables (El Nueve) about her next audiovisual projects. “It would be nice if platforms were quicker to confirm work dates. I believe that the actors, screenwriters and all of us who make up this difficult medium at a time when between Artificial Intelligence, the CEOs of the platforms that have little to do with cinema, “he began by manifesting. ” People especially young women are becoming unaccustomed to going to the movies, and many of the big Yankee tanks are in theaters for weeks. It would be nice if there wasn’t so much competition between the big companies. The same thing happens here, there are few people who have jobs,” he added. Cecilia, attended the event where the prestigious director Lucrecia Martel was commemorated, with the distinction Doctor Honoris Causa.” Lucrezia is tremendous in all her work. I love ‘La Ciénaga’, ‘La Niña Santa’ seems extraordinary to me, ‘Zama’ I love,” praised Roth, while highlighting other productions of his film label such as “La Mujer sin Cabeza” and “Rey Muerto’…”. On Juan Darthés: “I wouldn’t work with him; I imagine it is very hard for Thelma”Before the public reappearance of the actor for aggravated sexual abuse against Thelma Fardín, who carried out his trial in São Paulo, Brazil, being the first case where three public prosecutors from three different countries (which add Nicaragua and Argentina) considered that there was sufficient evidence to accuse Darthés criminally; Cecilia was blunt when asked if she would work with him.” Actually, I wouldn’t work with him. I feel that there is no cancellation there, there is a crime. It is a crime that is practically proven. I imagine it’s very hard for Thelma and for all the women who went through such a violent situation, so tremendous,” she said. I don’t believe in cancellation, but I do believe in crime. When there is a proven crime it is something else. Let him stay there because here he will not be well received,” he added.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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