Soledad Martínez: “Vicente López is one of the few cities in the Buenos Aires suburbs that has a climate action plan”

Vicente López is one of the few municipalities in the suburbs of the province of Buenos Aires that has an environmental agenda and objectives ranging from recycling to policies to change luminaires and clean energy generation. This was stated by Mayor Soledad Martínez, who is also a pre-candidate to continue in her position of leadership of the municipality: “As part of that plan this year and next we will be installing solar panels in many of the municipal offices. It is part of the program to reduce energy consumption that we do as a city. You also have to be able to encourage others. I think that is the most important thing about this: that the municipality does and fulfills its task, but also encourages many neighbors, industries and the private sector that can also do it, “he said in a tour. With the Energy Efficiency Plan, they will replace the luminaires in public lighting with LED lights, seeking to reduce energy consumption and improve their performance. They will also replace part of the municipal vehicle fleet with electric and hybrid cars. Martínez emphasized the “educational and training axis”: “More than 50 schools are part of the Sustainable Schools program where we are already working on environmental policies since we were children.” At the same time, he detailed the other lines of work that the comprehensive plan has: energy consumption, waste reduction, reducing the use of the car with the construction of bicycle paths.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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