Lousteau: “We will facilitate access to rentals, specifically for young people and seniors”

6 days before the Primary, Open, Simultaneous and Mandatory elections, Martín Lousteau, pre-candidate for governor of the City of Buenos Aires for Together for Change (JxC), presented his proposals to improve access to housing. Accompanied by Christian Werle, president of the Housing Institute of the City of Buenos Aires, Lousteau today promised a special program for individuals and young people in particular to access rents through soft loans from Banco Ciudad and subsidies. We are going to make a Buenos Aires where all porteños can plan their life project. We will facilitate access to rentals, specifically for young people and the elderly, we will promote less densely populated areas and we will turn the Microcenter into a Young and Technological District taking advantage of the existing infrastructure and the proximity to universities and means of transport, “said the CABA pre-candidate. Another of his proposals is “to comprehensively rehabilitate the neighborhood of Constitución focusing on a joint intervention: neighbors, owners, developers and the City Government in the coordination of all areas in order to improve security and public spaces, renovate historic buildings and promote social and economic development.” On the other hand, he said that “tax and credit incentives will be developed to build buildings that have a minimum component dedicated to rent” and “develop specific projects for some neighborhoods and some groups.” Also, Lousteau intends to “establish engineering bodies in each Commune, with graduates and final year students of the UBA, to control the state of infrastructure and services, raise claims and suggestions from neighbors.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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