Bregman recalled his previous complaints about the electronic voting system

Given the complications presented by the Single Electronic Ballot (BUE) system during the PASO, the presidential candidate for the Left Front, Myriam Bregman, recalled her previous complaints and maintained that “nobody listened to them.” We said the e-voting system was a disaster. We denounced before the Justice that the BUE system was a disaster. It turned out to work disastrously,” Bregman said, noting that “no one listened to the allegations we made, no other list accompanied us.” Likewise, the presidential candidate pointed out the importance of “teaching that has gone out to fight throughout the country,” and remarked that “our list will never be complacent with power.” We campaigned against the pre-candidates of the adjustment and we will also closely follow the concern about the election of the City of Buenos Aires,” he added. For his part, after voting, Nicolás Del Caño referred to the PASO and asked for electoral participation. “It is a very important day for all the people to participate, to go to vote so that they do not continue the same as always that brought us to this critical situation that the country is experiencing,” explained the pre-candidate for vice president for the FIT. On the other hand, Del Caño highlighted his party’s campaign “made at the top of its lungs, touring the country with thousands of young comrades, workers who made a great effort.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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