FGE Prosecutes case of “Buba” and “Canela”

Case of “Buba” and “Canela” continues
Tangancícuaro, Mich.- After having exhausted the acts of investigation, on the case of Animal Cruelty, in which the dogs “Buba” and “Canela” were killed with a firearm in Tangancícuaro, the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE), has judicialized the investigation folder, as it could be known in the journalistic work.
Following the news coverage of the unfortunate event, which is of public interest, it has transpired that the investigating authorities a few hours ago have already judicialized the case and the judge was requested to hold a hearing so that the Prosecutor’s Office formulates an accusation, against the investigated for the death of the two dogs, David M., current mayor of Tangancícuaro.
According to the penal code in force in the State of Michoacán and since the crime of Animal Cruelty is not classified as serious, the step to follow in the process is to wait for a date to be granted and the judge to cite for the hearing, which will be held in the coming days. In case he does not attend, a summons will be requested and if the refusal by David M. continues, an arrest warrant will be requested.
It should be remembered that the events were reported last Wednesday night, in the Santa Anita neighborhood, where “Buba” and “Canela”; They lost their lives after being shot once each.
So far what is known is that the dogs entered the mayor’s home where they allegedly attacked one of his pets, so two subjects, including David M. kick them to separate them and the animals leave the building, as seen in videos of security cameras.
According to the mayor himself in a press conference, he left his house with the intention of going with the owner of the animals to talk to him and ask him not to leave them on the street.
It may interest you: Animal lawyers will seek to remove jurisdiction to mayor of Tangacícuaro
David M. asked for his weapon of charge to his chief of bodyguards and already in the public thoroughfare he shot at “Buba” and “Canela”, in what he described as “self-defense” and his family.
Therefore, a multidisciplinary team moved to the indicated place, where two lifeless specimens lay. According to the result of the autopsy, each of them had a gunshot wound.
In addition to the autopsy, the Public Prosecutor’s Office ordered various investigative acts, including expert video opinions and on-site inspection.
They also highlight various interviews with witnesses and requests for information from the Ministry of National Defense (SEDENA), among other actions.
At a press conference, the governor of Michoacán, Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla lamented the events that occurred in the municipality of Tangancícuaro where Mayor David M. caused the death of the dogs.
The president mentioned that no type of violence can be accepted or tolerated, in this case against animals and less of an authority that has to set an example.
March to demand justice
Animal lawyer indicated that the Family of Buba and Canela, the dogs that were deprived of life in Tangancícuaro receive harassment after the unfortunate fact.
“They go to his house and take pictures, they are even carrying out acts of harassment they are scared.”
The lawyer said that, when contacting them to help them with the issue, the owners of Buba and Canela showed distrust and asked “hey, who are you, show me the INE, the ID something”, Carlos Maya said that even “beyond rapprochement what there is is the opposite”.

#asociacionanimalista #Michoacán
Daniel Maya, lawyer of the Animal Association of #México talks about the case of #bubaycanela occurred in #Tangancícuaro pic.twitter.com/mgpkRCnsZy
— Monitor Expresso (@monitorexpresso) August 13, 2023
I am a pediatric surgeon and I am dedicated to saving lives: Edil de Tangancícuaro
The mayor of Tangancícuaro mentioned, in his second report, the murder of Buba and Canela.
During shouts from protesters in his report, he finally spoke about it.
“I apologize to the owners… If the rule of law says I’m guilty and I have to pay for it, I’ll do it.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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