In Los Reyes, mayor highlights municipalist vision and support of Bedolla for works

Los Reyes, Michoacán.- During the Second Report of Activities of the mayor of Los Reyes, the municipalist vision and the support of Governor Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla to execute infrastructure and productive development projects for the region were highlighted, they reported in a statement.
After the municipal president, Antonio Salas Valencia, recognized the work and coordination with the Government of Michoacán, the president promised to reinforce the actions that allow to compensate for lags in infrastructure and public services.
He shared that in the region of Los Reyes, around 700 million pesos will be invested in the reconstruction and rehabilitation of roads such as the Jacona-Zamora bypass, Tingüindín-Los Reyes section, Peribán bypass, Cotija-Villamar-Peribán-Uruapan sections.
In addition, the expansion to four lanes of the La Higuerita-Los Reyes section was authorized, which will represent an investment of 53 million pesos from the State Contributions Fund for the Infrastructure of Municipal Public Services (Faeispum) regional.
Ramírez Bedolla commented that for Los Reyes, 10.8 million pesos were approved this year from Faeispum for the improvement of the urban image and public lighting in main streets of the Centro neighborhood.
10.2 million pesos were allocated from the Peace Strengthening Fund (Fortapaz), of which 4.5 million will be allocated to equip municipal police with patrols and uniforms, and 5.6 million to dignify the work of the fire department with a unit of services and equipment for the corporation.
For his part, the mayor, Antonio Salas Valencia, thanked the governor for his support, noting that without partisan distinctions, Los Reyes receives important resources for infrastructure, economic development and public safety.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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