Massa announced a price agreement with wholesalers and supermarkets

The Minister of Economy and current candidate for president of Union for the Fatherland, Sergio Massa, announced a new price agreement with wholesalers and supermarkets for 52,300 consumer products. This is a cap of 5% monthly increase for the next three months. In addition, the agreement includes tax benefits for companies that joined and a scheme of subsidized rates for SMEs supplying supermarkets, to guarantee the path of increases for the products included.” Since Wednesday we faced an agreement procedure to provide certainty and we found the largest commercial areas of wholesalers and supermarkets throughout the country, not only in the metropolitan area, “said the minister at the end of a meeting with businessmen and officials from the areas of Customs, Commerce and the AFIP. Then he continued: “There will be tax benefits designed for those who make their purchases in formal markets because not only will they have a path of respected price with guaranteed supply, but they will have the opportunity to access tax benefits on mass consumption products,” Massa said in a message released tonight. Next Tuesday, the minister said, the list of all the companies with the more than 52,300 products that make up the price agreement program will be published. 

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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