Government of Morelia only does works where it can not buy with pantries: Barragán

Morelia, Michoacán.- The deputy of Morena, Juan Carlos Barragán Vélez, in an interview for Monitor Expresso assured his concern about the oblivion that the current government of Alfonso Martínez Alcázar has to a majority of those who inhabit the capital.
The insecurity in the city of Morelia and how certain areas of the city have been neglected by the local authority is something that must change, Morelia can not continue concentrating small works that cost a lot in areas with a high value of surplus value, “the actions of the local government are focused on the south of the city, He knows he can’t shop with pantries,” the lawmaker said.
He stressed that the focus is on the south east of the city, where 70 percent of the urban infrastructure is located, while in the north west only 30 percent of the infrastructure is located.
For Barragán Vélez, this issue is because of the privileges granted to a certain sector of the population, since in the southeastern area there are the privileged classes and they cannot be bought with pantries, therefore, the right-wing government currently headed by Alfonso Martínez is dedicated to beautifying that part of the city with works so that people believe that they are doing things right.
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While in the northwestern part of the city, where seventy percent of the population of Morelia is concentrated, most are popular neighborhoods and with lack of regularization, it is easier for the government to have them abandoned and on election day to be able to buy them with pantries.
As for sports, the deputy pointed out that the municipal government only supports sports units in which it is charged, while the courts of the colonies are never given due attention.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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