We have identified the ways of operating of criminal groups says Ramírez Bedolla

Bedolla said that the ways of operating organized crime have been identified.
Morelia, Michoacán. After the criminal acts registered yesterday Sunday in Apatzingán, the governor of Michoacán, Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla assured that the ways of operating of organized crime have been identified.
In an interview after the start of the school year, where he said that 4 million 300 thousand books were distributed in Michoacán, which have a
Active pedagogy of case studies.
“Since the middle of yesterday the tranquility was recovered in Apatzingán, normal productive activity, we are going to continue fighting any criminal issue, it will be pursued and we are with operations in the state.”
“He insisted that intentional homicides continue to decrease and affirmed that the situation was addressed in a comprehensive manner immediately, 6 people were arrested, they are already before the Prosecutor’s Office and await results to find intellectual authors, we know their way of operating and therefore we react, “he said.
He said that after noon there would be a cut in school activity, although he said that there were no reports of incidents.
See also: Judge denies amparo against extradition of Ovidio Guzmán
President AMLO said peace and tranquility have returned, calling it “a publicity act.”
Obrador declared that “it was also an act, more than anything, publicity, propaganda,” about the burning of vehicles, road blockades and fires of Oxxos in Buenavista, Apatzingán and Uruapan.
This morning in Apatzingán, public transport users woke up with the news that there would be no service, so they had to look for other alternatives to move around the city.
After yesterday in the city of Apatzingán the burning of vehicles and oxxos was registered, as well as the closure of roads, today the members of public transport suspended the service.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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