Without risk the 2024 elections in Michoacán: IEM

Jaime Sanchez
Morelia, Michoacán. – The Counselor President of the Electoral Institute of Michoacán (IEM), Ignacio Hurtado Gómez, said that on the issue of security for the 2024 elections, it is something in which everyone has to work and do the part that corresponds to each one.
So that the head of the IEM has confidence that there is no risk for the upcoming elections from his perspective as an electoral authority, since the conditions are in place so that the people can have the possibility and the right to elect their popular representatives next year.
Around the table of governance and monitoring of the electoral process of 2023-2024, the President said that Monday starts and that all political parties will be invited, the governance table responds to a political table and in that sense the Secretary of Government will be the one to carry out the logistics issue.
On making a security table, Hurtado Gomez, indicated that this type of tables have always existed, since several past administrations, it is a table that is constantly and permanently working for security issues, as for the participation of the IEM in this table is that they are made a space for them to make proposals related to the electoral function.
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About the interference of organized crime in the next elections, the president of the INE commented, that the necessary conditions must be generated, but that they are not security instances to know what is happening, they have not identified the problem, they are informed through the media, but from there to know in detail what is happening in the different regions of the state, It’s information they don’t have.
“The presence of these factual groups is an issue that already has its own history, we are not closing our eyes to their presence, to their existence, but it is an issue that is quite serious and important enough to want to solve it in a week from a single vision of the INE”.
Finally, the representative of the IEM said that he is interested in how to solve things and not to know who is the head of the square, the important thing is how to shield the elections at the time.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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