Jimmy Fallon is accused of creating an unpleasant work environment and affecting the mental health of his workers

Jimmy Fallon is accused of creating an unpleasant work environment and affecting the mental health of his workers. Sixteen current and former workers of his show highlighted negative behavior by the charismatic driver in front of cameras, who during production meetings behaved “dismissive and irritable.” The magazine Rolling Stone Communicated with around 50 employees of the famous cycle The Tonight Show, among which several decided to make their experiences known by reserving their identity. Jimmy Fallon is accused of creating an unpleasant work environment and affecting the mental health of his workersThe staff described Fallon’s behavior as “erratic behavior” and pointed to him as responsible for causing a “tense and “rather gloomy atmosphere”, and of “belittling and intimidating” -along with other bosses- several colleagues. ” It’s a shame because it was my dream job,” said a former member of the program. “Writing for the night is a lot of people’s dream job, and they’re coming to this and it becomes a nightmare very quickly. It’s sad that it’s like that, especially knowing that it doesn’t have to be that way,” he added. You may also be interested: Shakira and Bizarrap broke it on the Jimmy Fallon showThe testimonies describe being “afraid of outbursts and unexpected and inconsistent behavior” from Fallon. Some reported that they raised their concerns to the Human Resources area, although they assure that the unpleasant situations did not cease but continued. On the other hand, some workers were dismissed by the authorities. In addition, seven former employees said their mental health was affected and identified the bathroom sector as the place to unload and cry. “It was common to hear people joke about ‘wanting to kill themselves,'” they said. I love it The Tonight Show And I love comedy. I gave my heart and soul to that place. I want to see them succeed and do well, but for that to happen, major changes need to be made, starting with Jimmy,” said another former TV staffer. “Everyone needs to get their head out of the sand and do something about the very obvious problems that we all know are happening,” he concluded. The actions to Fallon come after a similar case was given to the host and colleague Ellen de Generes. From Filo.news we tell you more details in this video:

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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