At the proposal of Monica Valdez, Conalep de Zacapu receives vehicle donated by the Local Congress

Morelia, Michoacán.- At the proposal of Deputy Monica Valdez, the College of Technical Professional Education of the State of Michoacán (Conalep) received from the LXXV Local Legislature a vehicle so that students studying the careers of Automotive and Automotive can use them in classes and improve their knowledge.
In total, the State Congress donated 13 vehicles to different Conalep plants in the State, to which the deputy for the District of Zacapu explained that this action was proposed when she was at the head of the Administration and Control Committee, which was endorsed by the Political Coordination Board.
When attending the delivery event, the deputy celebrated that this action was crystallized and that it also benefited the Zacapu campus, since it was a request that teachers and students had made.
“Very happy that the campus of my homeland was taken into account, we were managing and it was achieved, which will undoubtedly be of great help in the training of the students, who will be able to disarm it and do practices in them, which strengthens their learning by having the necessary tools, “he said.
Mónica Valdez said that in the event that took place in the Conalep Morelia 1 campus, the 13 vehicles were delivered to the Conalep schools of Morelia 1, Sahuayo, Uruapan and Zacapu, which endorses the commitment of this Legislature with education.
He recalled that the Administration and Control Committee had reviewed the issue of the vehicle fleet, detected that there were vehicles that presented serious deterioration and that it was not feasible to invest in their repair due to the financial situation of the Legislative Power, so it was more useful to donate it to institutions such as Conalep that require them for the practice and training of their students.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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