Inflation in August was 12.4% and accumulates 124.4% in the last year

The consumer price index (CPI) rose 12.4% in July, and accumulated a variation of 80.2%. In the year-on-year comparison, the increase reached 124.4%, reported today the National Institute of Statistics and Census (Indec). The division with the highest increase in the month was Food and non-alcoholic beverages (15.6%) and the Health sector (15.3%) and Home equipment and maintenance (14.1%) also stand out. In this sense, Food and non-alcoholic beverages (15.6%) was the one that had the most impact in all regions of the country. Within the division, the rise of Meats and derivatives, Vegetables, tubers and legumes and Bread and cereals impacted. At the category level, the Core CPI (groups that are outside the Regulated and Seasonal) increased 13.8% in the month and 125.3 % year-on-year and led the increase, followed by Seasonal (fruits, vegetables, outerwear, transport for tourism and accommodation and excursions) which rose 10.7% in the month and 128.8% year-on-year. Meanwhile, the CPI of Regulated (fuels for housing, electricity, water and sanitary services, health systems and auxiliary services, public passenger transport, operation and maintenance of vehicles, mail, telephone, formal education and cigarettes and accessories) increased 8.3% in the month and 116.6% year-on-year.  

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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