Macri on the alleged pact between Milei and Massa: “It does him no good”

Former President Mauricio Macri gave radio statements on Thursday where he referred to the alleged pact of the presidential candidate of La Libertad Avanza, Javier Milei and the candidate of Union for the Fatherland, Sergio Massa. “It does not do Milei good that many people think he has some kind of relationship because Massa represents what Argentina has to leave behind: lies, deceit, concealment and irresponsibility,” Macri said in radio statements during his visit to Córdoba.In that sense, the former head of state traveled to the province that gave him the victory in 2015 to prop up the candidacy of Patricia Bullrich (Together for Change). If he (Milei) wants to propose himself as something new, he cannot talk to (Luis) Barrionuevo and fantasize about working together with someone who has to do with decades of decadence,” Macri said regarding the relationship that the libertarian wove with the historic Peronist union. You may also be interested: “Macri acknowledged that he was wrong with Profits: “It’s a fair tax”Income TaxIn that line, the former president was critical of the deputies of the Radical Civic Union (UCR) who gave quorum in the session that dealt with the elimination of the Income Tax. “Supporting it is an act of irresponsibility, we all want an Argentina with a State that is no longer overwhelming, that has the right size and necessary to produce and grow.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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