Trueno released their new song “Ohh Baby”

The acclaimed Argentine rapper Trueno presented today “Ohh Baby”, a new preview of his upcoming album, where he will celebrate Hip Hop as a culture on its 50th anniversary. The song, with elements of disco music, was produced by his musical partners Tatool and Brian Taylor and maintains the party and dance mood of its predecessor “Tranky Funky”, which has already exceeded 23 million streams. The music video, directed by El Dorado, also continues the story of the previous single, now in the internal part of the party, where the young artist shines with his dance steps. Recently, Trueno marked a milestone in his career by collaborating with the iconic Cypress Hill in “Fuck el Police Remiz”, a song with which he said goodbye to his praised and award-winning album “Bien o Mal”. On the other hand, he has just crowned a great international tour. In July of this year he performed at the Latin Alternative Music Conference (LAMC) in New York. The next stop was an extensive tour of Spain with special performances at the Spanish festivals Sonorama, Boombastic, Phe Festival, Rototom Sunsplash, Phe Festival, Coca Cola Music Experience, Cartuja Center, Rio Verbena, Negrita Musica Festival and an incredible date of their own at Industrial Copera in the city of Granada.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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