Sergio Massa in Caja Negra: “I apologized for what touches me, there are responsible who took it cheap”

The presidential candidate sits in the armchairs of to have a hand in hand with Julio Leiva days before the elections. In a week that coincides in the middle of the presidential debates, we have an intimate conversation with the Minister of Economy. His career, principles and projection in case of reaching the presidency of the country. Today, in Caja Negra: Sergio Massa.On the images that went viral of Martín Insaurralde on a yacht in Marbella, the presidential candidate reflected: “Very serious error. He paid with the resignation, he paid the Chief of Staff… I am struck by the moment in which the news appears. But I would tell you that is a consequence. There is a previous cause which is Martin’s error. But I also think that this girl already had a history of appearing in a political moment with a candidate…” Sergio Massa in Caja Negra│Photo: Filo.newsWhen asked about his friendship with Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, he replied: “He is my friend. I called him after the election to ask how he was doing. Personally, I did not talk about politics, but to ask him how he was because I understand that he prepared all his life to give this fight and I think Macri did everything to humiliate him.” During the presidential debate, Massa made the difference between the current government and its possible presidency: “I am not currently the President of the Republic. And obviously there is a part of decisions that I make and another that I don’t. And we are not all the same and we do not all think the same way” and added: “Half of those who are ministers with me today would not be ministers. It would change the regime of functioning of the State in terms of organization. But there are also people who would not be a minister with me.” Sergio Massa in Caja Negra│Photo: Filo.newsOn people’s disillusionment with the current government: “He’s right. With Macri, income had fallen 20 points and continued… Pandemic in between, war, but continued. Now, in the last year, we recovered a lot and now with the VAT refund and the impact of profits, the recovery of income in Argentina will be strongly felt. I raised publicly, not once, but several times the apology in the little piece that touches me. Now, what I think here are many who got it cheap. Because they are responsible. They left and even asked for forgiveness. I have a relationship of respect with other officials who were there. However, I do not agree with what they did, for example, in terms of import approval.” We have earned prestige, we occupy privileged places worldwide as a country, because we have a journey that we summarize in ‘Memory, truth and justice’, because in some way it is the umbrella or the synthesis that we find, but that for the world is a journey. It puts us in a place of respect. And you say that you want to hand over the Falklands to the British, want to put the flag of the United States on the door of the Central Bank, do you want to throw overboard 40 years of construction of Argentine prestige in a matter in which the world begins to discuss the new rights? Love your country a little bit. A little. For the guys who died at the hands of state terrorism. For the Chaqueños, The Correntinos who died in the Malvinas. For the need to sustain an industrial fabric that depends on you having the seigniorage of your currency and not that the interest rate is set by another, “he remarked on the sayings of Javier Milei in the debate where he emphasized that “it was not 30,000”. Sergio Massa in Caja Negra│Photo: Filo.newsBoth with his wife, Malena Galmarini, and with his father-in-law “Pato” Galmarini, he discusses and discusses politics. With her partner, she acknowledged that they chat and fight a lot: “Malena has a very pure, very genuine look at politics. It is very frontal and transparent. He loves what he does. Throughout these 25 years I saw her cry for people who asked her for work or for people who did not have a home. He is super committed to what happens to the other and also takes him home, to the office. He has a very gross level of commitment.” We had several years of shock. I would tell you that in 2013 it was a political coincidence. But every now and then we hold on. He lost many comrades in his political life. He and Marcela were persecuted by the Triple A, by the dictatorship. They had a hard time,” he explained about the link with the Peronist politician. Sergio Massa in Caja Negra│Photo: Filo.newsRecently, his family was joined by one of the most recognized vedettes in the country: Moria Casán. The Minister of Economy told how it was the first time they met: “I sit at the table, I start drinking mate and listen to the quilombo of brothers … I look out and say, ‘Look, I’m going to invite you to Moria tomorrow for Father’s Day. I don’t want to see any of youis, they criticize their dad, taking a selfie with Moria’. I grabbed the phone, called the Duck (Galmarini) and he said, ‘I’m coming back from Benavidez with Moria.’ And I say, ‘Give me Moria. Moria, what do you do? Don’t want to come home for coffee? Come who are passing through.’ They came and that night I started fucking with ‘our new mommy.’ And there was ‘Mamimo.'” Closely linked to football, Massa delved into his link with Juan Román Riquelme: “When I wanted to bring him to Tigre… he told me that if I didn’t renew in Boca, I would come to Tigre. One Saturday he came at 14 and stayed until 23. We started talking about Tiger and Boca and ended up talking about life. Always with mate. He’s very matero and so am I. When he left, Malena, who has met presidents, heads of state and more, told me, ‘I know few people as smart as this guy.’ I told him I wasn’t going to pay him like in Boca, but he told me he was coming for free, just to keep playing. The next day he called me to let me know that he was going to sign in Boca. I have good vibes, I never talk about politics.” Sergio Massa in Caja Negra│Photo: Filo.newsIf we go to the black box of his life, what is the moment that makes him the person he is today?: “There are two Sergio Massa: person and leader. To Sergio Massa, civil servant, the day I paid the pensions, we were with the corralito. Pensions had to be paid and there was no financial system. I always remember that one of the places where pensions were paid was in the field of Colón. We are talking about paying in a week the retirement of 3 million people without banks. We had a problem that was to take the money out of the Central Bank, because everything was fenced. And I came up with a lie: make a false bomb threat to the Central Bank. And then the police clear and in that clearing we take out the cash trucks to pay the retirees. He had a very big epic among the ANSES farmers. Personally, I would say that I am the sum of a mother who grabbed a little boy every morning and took him walking three blocks to school. From a father who got up and fell many times, like Argentina. Of some very present grandparents who lived 10 blocks from my house. And of having grown up in a neighborhood. I finished rounding as a person the birth of Mili, not because it is more important than Toto’s, because it was the first. Being a dad changed my mind. I look a lot at the behavior of some leaders, how they are as parents or if they do not have children. Those who are not parents, have that thing of feeling that they do not have to give explanations to anyone.”Towards the end of the interview the black box opens. An unexpected challenge begins. Week by week a figure will be submitted to the living room to dialogue and reflect. And you, do you dare to remember what moment a click made in your life?

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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