Melconian described as “natural” that the dollar rises at election time

The economist Carlos Melconian considered that it is “usual” for the dollar to rise in electoral times, however, he warned that there is now a “phenomenal economic zafarrancho” that complicates the situation for whoever assumes on December 10. According to NA, in dialogue with Radio Rivadavia, the former president of Banco Nación noted: “Historically, in all presidential transitions, Argentines dollarize their savings. It is something usual, which has always been covered with reserves and with some rise in the dollar. And then that splices with electoral certainty or uncertainty.” According to him “today the same thing happens” although he stressed that “the reserves are in a scandalous negative, there is exchange control – which is reflected in the gap – and there is a phenomenal economic zafarrancho enhanced by the Minister of Economy during the last month. ” Under this framework, he continued throwing darts at the presidential candidate of Union for the Fatherland, Sergio Massa: “Usually, the economy minister tries to cushion, tries to stop the ball, to help the official candidate. That of being a minister and candidate for president borders on irresponsibility. And the worst of all this is now the uncertainty of the outcome. That is why we must appeal to the maturity of the Argentines.” In that sense, Melconian, who would be economy minister in case Patricia Bullrich wins the presidential elections, concluded: “As of December 10 we must plant a horizon, saying: we are going to modify the inflation indexes in corrective terms, because the prices that are down are rising, including wages, tariffs.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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