Presidential candidates repudiated Hamas attack on Israel

After the attacks carried out by the Palestinian armed organization Hamas in Israel and that its authorities declared a state of war alert, the Argentine presidential candidates expressed their repudiation of what happened and offered their solidarity. Through his social networks, the candidate of Union for the Fatherland and current Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, said: “We strongly condemn the terrorist attacks that the State of Israel is suffering. We stand in solidarity with the Israeli government and people and call for an immediate cessation of violence. We offer our humanitarian aid to Israel and reiterate that peace is the only way.” On the other hand, Patricia Bullrich, the leader of Together for Change assured her “absolute condemnation of the attack against Israel. Once again, terrorism is massively attacking the population in Israel,” and made it clear that “Argentina must now add its repudiation to this indiscriminate attack. My heart goes out to all Israelis who suffer from this cowardly bombing. The violent ones will never win.” At the same time, in his X account, the libertarian referent and candidate for La Libertad Avanza, Javier Milei, wrote: “My most total and absolute solidarity with Israel and its full right to defend itself from terrorism.” Finally, the candidate of We Do for Our Country, Juan Schiaretti, said that “I strongly repudiate the attack against Israel. I stand in solidarity with the suffering Israeli people. Violence in any of its manifestations must always be rejected. I ask for peace, coexistence and the cessation of attacks.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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